Aftercare for Long-Lasting Results

Aftercare Instructions
Our cosmetic tattoo and paramedical tattoo aftercare instructions are important to follow as they could save you money but more importantly, your skin.
Following aftercare instructions after your procedure from Restored Cosmetics, is important in gaining the best possible results. Please review and refer to them as needed. If you have further questions or concerns, please contact us
What to expect immediately after your eyebrow procedure.
- Brows will typically be darker and more bold in color; this is due to the pigment oxidizing and will usually last up to 7 days.
- Brows may look thicker (due to swelling) and/or feel like they are sunburned. These symptoms subside within 48 hours.
What to expect throughout the healing period.
- With Restored Cosmetics tried & true healing agenda and aftercare protocol, there should be minimal scabbing or flaking.
- The initial healing is usually within 7-10 days
- The complete healing process is about 4-6 weeks.
- Your cosmetic tattoo will go through several phases including a softening and then lightening up. It may look like you’ve lost too much color or the skin may look patchy.
- Be patient during this time, as your skin exfoliates and regenerates.
- Typically the true color will settle in the skin around 6 weeks at which point you’ll be back for your 2nd visit/touch up appointment. This is where we will perfect what was initially started at the 1st appointment.
- At your 2nd visit/touch up, the body is now used to the pigments and will retain the pigment much better and won’t fade as much as the initial procedure.
CLEAN YOUR PROCEDURE 2 TIMES PER DAY Use mild antibacterial cleanser on and around the procedure area (NO PRODUCTS CONTAINING ACIDS OR EXFOLIATES) Dial Soap, Cetaphil, or Neutrogena are great choices.
With a light touch, apply cleanser to procedure area with clean hands. Rinse, then air or blot dry. NEVER RUB!
BLOT excess lymph (blood, oil, body fluids) throughout the day with a damp paper towel. This removes lymph build up and it adds moisture to the skin. Both help prevent scabbing.
- NO OINTMENT for for the first 24-72 hours or until all lymph/weeping has stopped
- ONLY USE THE OINTMENT PROVIDED – NOTHING ELSE. Apply a thin, light coat of ointment, for the remaining healing
process. (NO ointment beyond 10 days of initial procedure day) - Apply a fresh new coat each day after cleansing. Throughout the day, apply more as needed to maintain moisture.
- Although it is important to use ointment, using it excessively can starve the skin of oxygen and can result in pigment loss during the healing period, so please use sparingly.
Allergic reaction to the ointment is extremely rare but possible. If you notice any bumps or rash, or think you may be having a reaction – stop use immediately, wash area and contact your healthcare provider.
DAYS 1-3
- Brows are usually 15-20% darker. They may also appear thicker; this is due to oxidation and swelling. Do not be concerned; this is part of the healing process.
- Any redness will subside within the first 48 hours.
- Tenderness and weeping in the area is normal.
- With a damp paper towel, blot your brows throughout these days to remove excess fluids/lymph.
- Cleanse morning and night for 10 days after procedure.
DAYS 3-4
- Scabbing and/or peeling begins. Typically the tail area will peel first, then it will move towards the inner part of the brow or the bulb area.
- Keep moist with the ointment (but only a thin layer – do NOT over saturate.
- Don’t forget to cleanse morning and night.
DAYS 5-8
- Most, if not all, of the scabbing will have fallen off.
- Color is typically lighter and softer and brows may be thinner.
- Color may have a grayish or ashy tone for a few days until the color clarifies.
- It could appear that color is missing or have light areas due to the layers of dry skin over the new pigment.
- Give the brows a full 4 weeks to heal allowing the color to bloom and richen up.
- Do not use the ointment beyond 10 days from the initial procedure.
- Continue to cleanse morning and night until day 10.
THE NEXT 4-6 WEEKS “The blooming period”
- The dead, dry skin will slowly slough off.
- The color will start to richen up and lose the ashy appearance.
- Some may experience itchiness during this time – this is normal and will subside.
- You can expect the eyebrows to fade anywhere from 10% – 50% from the first procedure.
- As pigment oxidizes it starts to darken up again over the next 4-6 weeks.
- After the 6-8 week touch up, the body is now used to the pigments and will retain the pigment much better and will not fade as much as the initial procedure.
- Allow any scabbing or dry skin naturally exfoliate away. Picking can cause scarring or loss of color.
- Use ointment provided starting on or about day 3 depending on lymph.
- NO Gardening, dusting, mud wrestling or anything that causes dust, dirt and dander. These should be avoided for a minimum of 72 hours. Waiting 5 days is best.
- NO topical makeup or sunscreen on the healing procedure(s) for 7-10 days (topical makeup can be bacterial and can cause
irritation and/or infection to your new procedure(s). - NO Vaseline, Neosporin or other petroleum-based products while healing. ONLY use the ointment provided.
- Do not bleach, tint or dye the tattooed area for 4 weeks following the procedure.
- Avoid sleeping on your face.
- Avoid direct sun exposure or tanning beds for 4 weeks (these can easily change and ruin the color of the pigment).
- Avoid hot, sweaty activities or exercise for 7-10 days.
- NO Hot, steamy, full pressure showers, saunas, excessive sweating, Jacuzzis, or swimming in pools. 7-10 days.
- DO NOT expose your new procedure to chemicals, hot tubs, hot water, direct shower spray, saltwater, chlorinated pools, lakes, or ponds. 7-10 days.
- Do not soak your face underwater or allow direct shower spray on your face for 7-10 days.
- NO facials, waxing, tweezing, threading, hair removal products, Botox, Microderm abrasions or chemical treatments for 2 weeks.
- Do not use any anti-acne products to the treated area (ie: Benzoyl Peroxide, Salicylic Acid, Proactive, etc) or lightening creams or skin bleaching creams such as hydroquinone for 4 weeks.
- DO NOT PICK, PEEL OR SCRATCH the treated area. This could result in your color healing uneven as well as the risk of scarring, infection, or all-together pigment loss!
- Apply SPF/Sunscreen daily. Exposure to the sun over time can cause fading and color change.
- Know that using anti-aging products or facial products containing Alpha Hydroxyls (AHAs), Retin-A, Lactic, Glycolic Acids or peels will lighten and/or fade tattoo color with continuous use.
- You may experience tenderness, puffiness (even bruising), redness, and itching – all of these are normal for a tattoo healing process.
Permanent Cosmetic Makeup
- Clients return for 6-8 week touch up after the initial procedure for their 1st touch up.
- 6-8 week touch ups are mandatory; the initial procedure is not complete until the 2nd visit/touch up is complete. Additionally, it will ensure you gain all the benefits of our “Brows for Life” program.
- After the 2nd visit/touch up, we recommend scheduling a 12 – 18 month ‘maintenance touch up’ to maintain the color.
- Permanent Makeup for brows is “Low maintenance; not NO maintenance”. Depending on your skin and other daily care factors, using a brow pencil or powder may still be needed.
- Many clients get a 12-18 month touch up to maintain the shape and saturation of the pigment.
- It is not recommended that a client gets more than 1 ‘maintenance touch up’ per year. Having countless procedures done can result in scar tissue which ultimately leads to loss of pigment retention in the brow area. PLEASE DON’T DO IT; it is not healthy for your skin!
Top 5 Tips for Long-Lasting Eyebrow Color
- Wear Sunscreen.
- Wear large glasses and a hat.
- Cleanse and dry the area thoroughly when in contact with chlorine.
- Keep glycolic acid, microdermabrasion and chemical peel products away from the tattooed area.
- Get regular touch ups.
Paramedical Aftercare
For 2 weeks or until there is no scabbing – NO POOL/SWIMMING, HOT TUB, SAUNA Until your tattoo is completely healed DO NOT
PULL on any scabs – If you pull the scab, it will sabotage your healing and will pull out the pigment prematurely.
NO EXERCISE OR SWEATING during the time of scabbing (Approx 14 days or longer, if visible). Any kind of sweat will pull out the pigment and it will not be good for your new areola tattoo. You can wear a bra or clothing over the area at any time.
After your procedure, Tegaderm(s) will be placed over your tattooed area(s), unless you have an allergy to Tegaderm, then an alternate dressing will be placed.
Leave this dressing on for three days.
You may shower with the Tegaderm.
As your skin heals, fluid may build up underneath your dressing. This is normal. You will be given an extra Tegaderm in case it gets loose or there is too much fluid that is dripping out. If not, then do not remove until Day 4. (See instructions on removal below).
Remove the Tegaderm dressing (see Tegaderm removal instructions below), gently clean the area in the shower with warm water and gentle soap. Please be careful not to rub the area to get it clean.
Leave any scabs, that may have formed, alone; they will heal and come off on their own.
After your shower, dry the area gently. Apply non-scented white lotion (such as Lubriderm, Aveeno, or Eucerin) to the tattoo area until it absorbs.
- Continue applying non-scented white lotion to the area at least once per day.
- You may apply lotion more than once a day if the area looks dry.
All procedures are conducted in accordance with our local health department, governing agencies and our own personal, high
standards. Once you leave our facility, it is important to follow the aftercare to avoid complications. Tenderness in the area is expected; this is a wound that must heal.
Complications are extremely rare however, if you observe any conditions that are not consistent with the healing agenda descriptions above, such as any sign of infection, pus, red streaks stemming from the treated area, abnormal discharge or conditions, contact your doctor for treatment and advise me as soon as possible.
- Carefully remove the Tegaderm with clean hands by carefully peeling it off of your skin. Do not quickly tear it off, as this can cause skin irritation.
- The easiest way to soften the adhesive is to stand in a hot shower for several minutes and remove the covering in the shower.
- Once removed, pat dry the surrounding area with a clean, no-lint gauze and proceed to apply a new Tegaderm(s).
- Skin needling is a process of ” dry needling” (without ink). We are purposely breaking up the scar tissue of the skin so blood, collagen and natural melanin (pigment) goes to the skin.
- We purposely allow these types of procedures to to heal WITHOUT covering them.
- Blot any excess lymph, body fluids or blood.
- Allow to naturally heal with air – DO NOT COVER.
- DO NOT put any ointment
Day 1-4
- Do not take Advil after the procedure (next 24 hours).
- Redness, swelling, tightness, feeling of being sunburnt is a normal reaction.
- Avoid all things hot: sauna, hot tub, sweating etc.
- You can shower 12 hrs after procedure.
- Apply aftercare 2 x day or as required to keep area hydrated. Recommended aftercare is Cereve OR Coconut oil (if natural option is preferred).
Day 3-7
- Area will become dry, flakey and possibly a small amount of scabbing (DO NOT PICK)
- Apply aftercare 2x per day
– CeraVe or Coconut oil days 1-14
– Cicaplast (balm or gel) days 14+ (up to next treatment or 8 weeks
Note: Use sunscreen when treated areas are exposed to the sun
It is critical to follow all aftercare instructions to prevent complications, scarring and to achieve optimum results. Please read carefully.
- KEEP AREA CLEAN and open to the air. Do not cover with a Band-Aid or anything else, leave open to air. Air/oxygen provides good and faster healing. CLEANSE THE AREA 4x a day with Saline. Dampen a paper towel or cotton round with Saline and blot the area 4x daily. Make sure you wash your hands directly before cleansing the area.
- DO NOT SOAK the treated area in water. You can shower as normal but keep the area out of the shower spray the best you can and do not let the area stay wet for more than a few minutes. It is best to keep it dry but if you do get it wet gently pat dry.
- DO NOT disrupt the scabbing process (i.e., no picking, scratching, etc.) All scabbing needs to fall off naturally. If you force or pick a scab off, you will disrupt the process and possibly cause scarring. It is critical to keep the scabs on as long as possible to achieve optimum results.
- ONCE ALL SCABBING HAS NATURALLY FALLEN OFF, apply one drop of Li-FT® Heal Care Oil 3 to 4 times throughout
the day for a minimum of 4 weeks, or until next lightening session. DO NOT start applying the Li-FT® Heal Care Oil UNTIL all scabbing has naturally and completely fallen off. It is our goal to keep the area as dry as possible until all scabs have naturally fallen off. If you do not have Li-FT® Heal Care Oil, you can substitute with Vitamin E Oil. - LIPS please drink all liquids with a straw until all scabbing has naturally fallen off. Brush with Toms of Maine or Classic Crest (no whitening, no peroxide toothpastes. Cut food into small bites….no biting into a sandwich. Try to keep mouth expressions to a minimum.
It is important to the process and integrity of the skin that 8 full weeks of healing take place before another lightening session can be done. No exceptions.
Lightening unwanted pigment can be a long process and patience is required. This is true whether you are choosing a saline lightening product or laser. Please be patient and give the process a fair chance to work. Expect visible and wanted results in 2 to 5 sessions.
How many sessions needed will depend on how saturated the pigment is, how deep it was implanted, the location, the skin type and how much needs to be lightened for the desired result. In many cases only a percentage of the pigment needs to be lightened and then we can continue the correction process by color correcting or color shifting. In those cases where we have pigment misplaced or in an unwanted area, color correcting will not be an option and lightening as much of the pigment as possible will be our ultimate goal.
Results cannot be foreseen, predicted or guaranteed.
If you have any questions or concerns please call us. If at any time you have any green or yellow puss in the area of the lightening procedure, or any concerns at all during the healing process please call us immediately.